Help offered for competitors entering Gaelic Classes

adminPress Release

Alasdair Whyte

Tha sinn air bhioran innse gu bheil Bòrd na Gàidhlig air maoineachadh a sholarachadh gus barrachd com-pàirt a bhrosnachadh anns na clasaichean Gàidhlig againn a leigeas leinn cosgaisean siubhail a mhaoineachadh do bhuidhnean a tha a’ tighinn gu

Graham Dickie MBE

Talla Chonsairt Pheairt air Diluain 4 Màrt airson pàirt a ghabhail anns na clasaichean Gàidhlig. ‘S e Alasdair MacIlleBhàin am britheamh Gàidhlig, agus ‘s e Graham Dickie MBE a bhios a’ breithneachadh a’ chiùil. Feuch an cuir thu fios thugainn airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.

We are excited to announce that the Bòrd na Gàidhlig have provided funding in order to encourage more participation in our Gaelic classes which will allow us to fund travel costs for groups coming to Perth Concert Hall on Monday 4 March to participate in the Gaelic classes. 

The Gaelic adjudicator is Alasdair Whyte, while Graham Dickie MBE will be adjudicating the music. 

Please go to the Gaelic Section in our 2024 Syllabus to find out how many different ways you can take part in this year’s Festival.

Please contact us for more information.

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