Our Exhibition Souvenir Book is now available

adminPress Release

At the start of Perform in Perth’s 100th Festival year we were delighted with the response to our Exhibition in St Matthew’s Church, Tay Street. Together with the displays which traced the history of the Perthshire Musical Competition Festival from its earliest years through to the present time, the local groups who came along to perform in the series of … Read More

Talent shines out as Festival escapes power cut by minutes

adminPress Release

Perform in Perth – summary, results, final night and special awards “The hundredth Perthshire Musical (Competition) Festival, now referred to as ‘Perform in Perth’ but also known as Perth Festival in past years, came to its conclusion in St Leonard’s-in-the-Fields Church on Saturday 16 March, narrowly avoiding, by about 20 minutes, the power cut which was the result of a … Read More

February deadlines for own choice entries

adminPress Release

A gentle reminder about our deadlines for your ‘own choice’ pieces – thanks to our young ambassador. Please update our digital platform with you choices – and then email your scanned .pdf copies, including your with Class No. and Entry Name.

Entries Open Now for 2024

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Thanks to Millie Nicolson, one of Perform in Perth’s Young Ambassadors, for promoting entries to our 100th Festival. https://www.perthshire-music-festival.org.uk/how-to-enter/

Help offered for competitors entering Gaelic Classes

adminPress Release

Tha sinn air bhioran innse gu bheil Bòrd na Gàidhlig air maoineachadh a sholarachadh gus barrachd com-pàirt a bhrosnachadh anns na clasaichean Gàidhlig againn a leigeas leinn cosgaisean siubhail a mhaoineachadh do bhuidhnean a tha a’ tighinn gu Talla Chonsairt Pheairt air Diluain 4 Màrt airson pàirt a ghabhail anns na clasaichean Gàidhlig. ‘S e Alasdair MacIlleBhàin am britheamh Gàidhlig, … Read More

Thank you for the music

adminPress Release

Thanks to all who helped to make Perform in Perth’s Exhibition Week run so smoothly. Thanks to Guildry Incorporation Of Perth for its financial support. Thanks to the Perform in Perth committee members who staffed the door, welcoming visitors and answering queries; the minister and congregation of St Matthew’s Church for lending us their wonderful building; the team at St … Read More

Carrying on the family traditions

adminPress Release

I am absolutely delighted to have attended the wonderful Perform in Perth 100th festival Exhibition today in St Matthew’s Church, Perth. It was a great pleasure also to have been joined by Deputy Lord-Lieutenant Alex Cairncross DL, alongside the coveted Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service which was bestowed upon this wonderful organisation in their centenary, an award that I was … Read More