Hon. Presidents
Mr Dennis Melloy
Mr Allan R. Young MBE
Mr Xander McDade

Hon. Vice-President
Mr Iain W. Lamond, LL.B.(Edin.)

Mr Neil Copland

Mrs C.A. Munro

Mrs M.E. Waterston, 35 Buchan Drive, PERTH, PH1 1NQ

Music/Syllabus Secretary
Mrs Denise Crighton-Ward, 102 Main Street, Crosshill, Fife, KY5 8AN perthfestmusicsecretary@hotmail.com

Hon. Treasurer
Derek Bonthrone
Email – Treasurer

Stewards’ Convenor
Mrs Sarah Sloan

Independent Examiner
Katharine Douglas

The Festival operates an equal opportunities policy, in line with the recommendations of the British & International Federation of Festivals of Music, Dance and Speech.