Our Exhibition Souvenir Book is now available

At the start of Perform in Perth’s 100th Festival year we were delighted with the response to our Exhibition in St Matthew’s Church, Tay Street. Together with the displays which traced the history of the Perthshire Musical Competition Festival from its earliest years through to the present time, the local groups who came along to perform in the series of short concerts brought great joy to the occasion.


Please make a note next year's dates .
10th - 22nd March 2025

New Syllabus available here

Welcome to
Perform in Perth


Perform in Perth is an annual festival of music, speech and dance. Each year around 2,800 performers take part in the two week festival which runs in March.

There are events for groups of almost any size and description, in addition to an extensive programme for solo performance.

Performers have the opportunity to develop their skills through receiving advice and encouragement from a team of experienced professional adjudicators.

Our working title, Perform in Perth, captures the all-encompassing nature of performance opportunities for our competitors in the areas of music, dance and speech.

Neil Copland, President

Good news for this year's Gaelic competitors

Thank you
to our sponsors.

Perth Common Good Fund
The Forteviot Charitable Trust
The Thompson Charitable Trust
The Jimmie Cairncross Charitable Trust
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
The Guildry Incorporation of Perth

We also gratefully acknowledge the assistance in kind given to us by:
The Royal George Hotel
Perth Trophy Shop
and all our patrons.

You can donate directly
to Perform in Perth here

Donate with PayPalImage

Perthshire Musical (Competition) Festival Association has been awarded the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.
This is the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE.

Our aims

  • to advance, promote and encourage generally by means of competition Festivals, the study and practice of the Arts of Music, Dancing, Elocution, Literature and Acting.
  • to promote and conduct concerts, lectures and such other educational enterprises as may tend to the attainment of any of the objects of the Association.
Regulations 2024

Something for everyone

Making Music in Perth.

Celebrating 100 years of Perthshire Musical (Competitive) Festival - and generations of tuition and practice - the future is secure in the hands and voices of the city's choirs and orchestras and in our schools.